Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lay Leader Discipleship Interview

                For my 2nd Discipleship Interview I chose to grasp it from a slightly different angle.  I chose to interview my wife, the worship director/leader at our church.   This type of discipleship is different in the sense that it involves music.  However, it is also similar to pastoral discipling in the sense that the purpose is to bring someone a step closer to God.  Worship is a vital aspect in any Christian’s spiritual walk.  Helping others understand that importance is what my wife  has been called to. 

I asked her four questions in this interview.  Here were her responses:

1)               What is your process for making disciples?

                I am currently “feeling through it” at the moment.  Making disciples in the music ministry is a continuous learning process,.  Right now I have five young girls that I have been spending the most time with who are interested in joining the worship team.   The 1st thing I need to do is  find out where they are musically and identify what areas I need to help them work through.   I also find out where they are spiritually.  My main objective is to help them not only understand the concept of worship, and its purpose,  but also to help them discover the joy and the importance of worship in their lives.  So basically, I identify the areas in which they need to grow and simultaneously help them develop a heart of worship.

2)           What are the biggest challenges you face in this process?

                Everyone is at a different level.  That’s a challenge.  There are multiple people at one time to work with.  Being able to give them the most out of our times together is tough.  I don’t want the quality of our time together to suffer.  

                Also, what I’ve found difficult is helping them understand just b/c they enjoy playing music doesn’t mean they are worshiping.  Commitment and consistency can be difficult as well.  They want to grow, but they aren’t putting forth the extra time and effort needed to discover what true worship is.

3)           What are some ways you equip people for Ministry?

                I like to encourage them to have personal times of worship.  Not just to worship on Sunday mornings, but to close the door to their room, play either their instrument or put on a CD and begin to worship their incredible God.  Biblical growth is also important for them as well.  To understand what scripture says about how necessary worship is in every believers life.  In addition, I recommend they read books such as “Worship Warrior” and “Worship as it is in Heaven” by Chuck D. Pierce.

                 Hands-on training is very much needed for worship ministry.  I give them “homework” to do as far as musically.  I want them to keep practicing even at home so they begin to develop and grow in their talents.  Equipping also happens as we mentor them through the process of getting integrated onto the worship team.  As they commit to coming to our weekly practice we challenge them to reach for more. And in time we assign them gradual roles in their responsibility as a worship team member. 

4)           How do you measure your effectiveness?

                You can see and hear musical development. That’s how we can determine their growth that musical aspect.  Spiritual accountability through conversation is how I know where they are in their walk with the Lord.  I recognize the influence that I have with the younger ladies coming up and I’ve found that every time I get a chance to talk with them is another chance I have to talk with them about how their lives are going.  Basically, I’m there to walk along side them.  Encouraging them to go deeper in the understanding of what it means to worship in Spirit and in Truth.  It’s a privilege.

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